Fallopian Tube Recanalization Surgery

Fallopian Tube Recanalization Surgery

Fallopian tube recanalization surgery restores or repairs the patency (openness) of the fallopian tubes. Fertility depends on the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries and uterus and allow eggs to be transported from the ovaries to the uterus for fertilization.

The causes of blocked fallopian tubes can range from pelvic inflammatory disease to endometriosis to previous surgeries like tubal ligations. Several different surgical techniques can be used during recanalization surgery, including laparoscopic and hysteroscopic techniques. Surgery success rates vary depending on the cause of the blockage and the surgical technique.

Infertile women with blocked fallopian tubes may benefit from fallopian tube recanalization surgery. The surgery is typically recommended for women who have been diagnosed with distal tubal occlusion, which is when the blockage is located at the end of the fallopian tube nearest to the ovary. Women with proximal tubal occlusion, which is close to the uterus, are less likely to receive this treatment.